Safe Harbor Statement (updated 26 OCT 2022)
6 min readAug 14, 2021


We remind everyone of this:

(1) Initial Disclosures. Prior to filing a notice of reliance on the safe harbor, provide the following information. Any material changes to the information required below must be provided on the same freely accessible public website as soon as practicable after the change.

(i) Source Code. A text listing of commands to be compiled or assembled into an executable computer program used by network participants to access the network, amend the code, and confirm transactions.

CarbonEco: Our contract’s code is here

(ii) Transaction History. A narrative description of the steps necessary to independently access, search, and verify the transaction history of the network.

CarbonEco: Our transaction history has been detailed both within this blog and here

[12 FEB 2022 Update] Per a tokenholder vote we elected to burn 500 billion of our ERC-20 tokens and relaunch them on the Binance Smart Chain. Here is the transaction for a 100 billion c0 ERC-20 token test burn.

(iii) Token Economics. A narrative description of the purpose of the network, the protocol, and its operation. At a minimum, such disclosures must include the following:

CarbonEco: Our tokenomics are in our white paper here

(A) Information explaining the launch and supply process, including the number of Tokens to be issued in an initial allocation, the total number of Tokens to be created, the release schedule for the Tokens, and the total number of Tokens outstanding;

(B) Information detailing the method of generating or mining Tokens, the process for burning Tokens, the process for validating transactions, and the consensus mechanism;

(C) An explanation of governance mechanisms for implementing changes to the protocol; and

(D) Sufficient information for a third party to create a tool for verifying the transaction history of the Token (e.g., the blockchain or distributed ledger).

(E) A hyperlink to a block explorer.

(iv) Plan of Development. The current state and timeline for the development of the network to show how and when the Initial Development Team intends to achieve Network Maturity.

CarbonEco: Our roadmap is in our white paper here

(v) Prior Token Sales. The date of sale, number of Tokens sold prior to filing a notice of reliance on the safe harbor, any limitations or restrictions on the transferability of Tokens sold, and the type and amount of consideration received.

Under the brand name Carbon0 we issued 13,414,301,695,615 c0 tokens to 122 individual wallets. These tokens have been converted into CarbonEco (c0) tokens.

[October 26, 2022 Update] On March 5, 2022 we were the victim of a fraud where an individual pretended to be a Singapore-based venture capitalist and solicited a private swap. The individual did not complete their side of the transaction and sold the c0 tokens in this transaction: We were not able to determine the identity of the individual.

[January 30, 2022 Update] On January 22, 2022 we issued 912,110 tokens.

(vi) Initial Development Team and Certain Token Holders. Furnish the following information.

(A) The names and relevant experience, qualifications, attributes, and skills of each person who is a member of the Initial Development Team;

CarbonEco (c0) Original Sponsor: My participation in CarbonEco is part-time and voluntary. I have a PhD, an MBA, and have led startups and business units in multi-billion dollar companies.

(B) The number of Tokens or rights to Tokens owned by each member of the Initial Development Team and a description of any limitations or restrictions on the transferability of Tokens held by such persons; and

CarbonEco: The proceeds from the Roadmap portion of our tokenomics will go to first and third party developers involved in our NFT marketplace. The ICO Transaction Costs portion of our tokenomics will go to the c0 original sponsor who has funded the effort so far and paid all the gas to mint the tokens.

The developer wallets were:

(C) If any member of the Initial Development Team or Related Person has a right to obtain Tokens in the future, in a manner that is distinct from how any third party could obtain Tokens, identify such person and describe how such Tokens may be obtained.

CarbonEco: Our senior developer has a right to obtain c0 tokens via a vesting schedule. This vesting schedule is paid for via the Roadmap portion of our tokenomics. Specifically, he will receive 1 trillion c0 tokens immediately during the ICO with no vesting restrictions. He may also receive up to 9 trillion in additional c0 tokens as milestone incentives for major elements of the roadmap, e.g., NFT contract and marketplace launch, DEX launch of additional LPs, wallet integrations, etc. These tokens will be drawn from the 39 trillion token Development Roadmap budget listed in our tokenomics. [January 30, 2022 Update] On December 11, 2021 we notified our tokenholder community that our senior developer departed CarbonEco for other projects. He returned the c0 tokens he had vested in that he still held. The transaction is here:

The c0 original sponsor has a right to obtain 10 trillion c0 tokens upon the launch of the NFT marketplace and the first revenue earned. When paid, the tokens will vest here: 0xb83a64146E01163455C2f85F70882E1fE69508aB

The c0 original sponsor has also purchased the c0 token and those holdings are here: 0x89cad9ACf858D4807FEa018160924752a21B8156

[January 30, 2022 Update] Our Chief Science Officer completed the review of our offset methods and carbon intensity calculations thus earning the 100 billion c0 tokens due in his employment contract. The transaction is here: Our Chief Science Officer is eligible for 400 billion tokens after one year of service.

(vii) Trading Platforms. Identify secondary trading platforms on which the Token trades, to the extent known.

CarbonEco: Our white paper outlines the initial platforms we will pursue in our tokenomics section. First among them will be Uniswap for a liquidity pool.

[October 26, 2022 Update] On August 2, 2022 per a tokenholder vote we removed 450 billion c0 tokens from our Uniswap v2 liquidity pool ( ~4% of the current c0 liquidity pool) in order to establish liquidity in other exchanges. On August 5, 2022 we built a liqudity pool pair with Radioshack Swap:

(viii) Sales of Tokens by Initial Development Team. Each time a member of the Initial Development Team sells five percent of his or her Tokens as disclosed pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(vi)(B) of this section over any period of time, state the date(s) of the sale, the number of Tokens sold, and the identity of the seller.

CarbonEco: The c0 Original Sponsor issued the Pre-Sale tokens (see above) and is issuing 5 trillion tokens via a liquidity pool on Uniswap.

(ix) Related Person Transactions. A description of any material transaction, or any proposed material transaction, in which the Initial Development Team is a participant and in which any Related Person had or will have a direct or indirect material interest. The description should identify the nature of the transaction, the Related Person, the basis on which the person is a Related Person, and the approximate value of the amount involved in the transaction.

CarbonEco: One of our volunteer members (0x0ec17d69fB6F94268D0eAF15b674edAa822C0869) purchased 33.4 billion c0 tokens in the Pre-Sale. They subsequently sold

(x) Warning to Token Purchasers. A statement that the purchase of Tokens involves a high degree of risk and the potential loss of money.

[October 26, 2022 Update] CarbonEco: The purchase of cryptocurrencies, tokens, and the CarbonEco (c0) token involves risk, including:
1. Loss of value based on supply and demand, including impermanent loss
2. Cyber events directed at your wallet or the CarbonEco contract
3. Accidental loss of your keys/passwords to your wallet(s)
4. Loss of value based on transaction fees (e.g., gas, gwei) tied to the price of Ethereum
5. Regulation that affects the ability of cryptocurrency exchanges, market makers, and liquidity pools to provide a bid or ask price for the c0 token.
6. New entrants or technologies that disrupt our plans.
7. Acts of God that impact our ability to complete our Roadmap and white paper.
8. Being added to deny lists for actions that resemble bots or exploitations.
9. Regulation that affects carbon offsets and voluntary carbon offset markets
10. Changes in securities or tax regulations

