CarbonEco is live
3 min readMay 14, 2022
CarbonEco — the modern carbon offsets marketplace — is live.

We were born at 421.87 ppm and $1,980:1ETH. After more than a year of thinking, designing, working, testing, and building, we are pleased to announce that CarbonEco is in production on the Ethereum Mainnet. With CarbonEco, anyone can list an offset and anyone can buy it.

CarbonEco is not a broker representing your carbon offset needs in another marketplace. Rather, CarbonEco is a series of smart contracts that express rules about what an offset is, who can approve them, how much proof is needed, how to price different offsets, and then executes the transfer of an offset among the parties seeking to sell and buy them.

There is one smart contract that defines the characteristics of a carbon offset as a non-fungible token. Each offset consists of a) a volumetric calculation of a unique method of carbon dioxide avoidance or absorption; b) an assignment of responsibility to one identity expressed as a blockchain address; c) a ledger amount assigned to one country with one value in one year; d) a specific grade of veracity about the evidence provided to substantiate the existence of the offset; e) a record of the verifiers who reviewed the evidence; f) a visual representation of the offset; and g) a unique hash designating the non-fungibility of the offset.

There is another smart contract that performs the functions of a decentralized marketplace. Buyers can find the inventory of sellers and purchase offsets that meet their buying preferences. The marketplace smart contract exchanges value to all participants based on the role they played and remuneration they are due. Sellers are paid immediately and directly in their wallets with Ethereum.

CarbonEco is also an ecosystem that provides opportunities for verifiers and affiliates. Verifiers receive fees in exchange for the role they play in reviewing the evidence provided to substantiate an offset. Affiliates receive fees for attracting Buyers to transact in the marketplace.

Verifier and Affiliate funds are stored in unique, decentralized ledgers and their proceeds can only be withdrawn by their Ethereum wallets. Verifiers and Affiliates can withdraw their fees when they wish or when they hit the 0.5 ETH mandatory payout levels. These fees are paid in Ethereum. The marketplace smart contract also sets the price of the offsets and the volume of offset transactions allowed based on the principles expressed in CarbonEco’s white paper.

The marketplace smart contract also collects fees for the benefit of CarbonEco’s investors and to sustain the marketplace. A portion of each sale is similarly collected in a ledger that is unique to the CarbonEco ERC-20 token (c0). This ledger conducts a swap and burn against the c0 liquidity pool on Uniswap v2 each time it reaches 0.5 ETH.

We did not intend to destroy Earth. Throughout human history we have pursued greater health, safety, and prosperity. That pursuit led to innovations that also had unintended consequences on the Earth’s climate and the sustainability of life. Fortunately that same ingenuity and human spirit can develop innovative alternatives to prevent and mitigate the worst outcomes of climate change. It took 58 years to develop a robust polio vaccine. It took closer to one year to begin mass vaccinations for the 2019 corona virus. It took two hundred years to affect the Earth’s climate. This generation has twelve to fifteen years to save Earth.

Get a MetaMask wallet, some Ethereum, and visit today. It is the fastest way to offset your carbon footprint.

